Migrated to Ghost

So after a month after using Astro, I moved this blog over to Ghost.
No complaints about Astro. The reason for the switch is that the automated process that I wanted to setup for publishing an Astro post would have required more resources ($) than my most-basic-of basic Digital Ocean droplets could handle. At least over 10 minutes on a test run, which I had to break out because the process just too way too long, so I don't know how long it really would have taken. Bumping up the specs to speed up the process would have brought it up past the point that I'm willing to pay for for a site that maybe a handful of people will find.
So while realizing I'd need a bump in specs, I thought about giving Ghost a try but ran into a build problem using the Ghost install on Digital Ocean's marketplace thing. I searched around and found a reddit post suggesting PikaPods, which allowed me to run Ghost using specs that would have cost over $20/month on Digital Ocean, but only a little over $5/month on Pika. The other nice thing is Ghost upgrades are automatically applied on Pika's pods, so that will be a nice thing to see the next time that happens.